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DCR June 2024 Meeting

The Durham Climate Roundtable (DCR) met for its first bi-annual meeting of 2024 on June 17th. Facilitated by Jennifer Alsop, Brilliant Energy Institute Director and DCR co-chair, and welcomed by DCR Co-Chair and Durham Regional Chair, John Henry, the meeting covered a comprehensive agenda focused on advancing towards net zero emissions.

Professor Dan Hoornweg emphasized the urgency of enhanced collaboration between government entities and corporations to achieve this ambitious goal. His update on the Annual Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions Report that will be released in the fall highlighted current emission trends and areas needing immediate attention.

Key Agenda Items Discussed:

  • Annual GHG Emissions Report: Professor Dan Hoornweg provided an update on the latest GHG emissions data, emphasizing the critical need for accelerated actions to curb emissions by corporations and government.
    • The GHG report is a key reporter of Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions.

The committee discussed the current status of net zero initiatives, deliberating on strategies to expedite progress.

  • CityWatch App: Currently in its beta phase, this app aims to enhance tracking and reporting of city-wide emissions and sustainability efforts.
    • GridWatch will expand to CityWatch and help from corporations and elected officials will ensure that data is accurate.
    • Key discussion points included identifying priority areas such as transit.
  • Durham Region Transit Electrification Plan: Bill Holmes, General Manager of Durham Regional Transit (DRT), presented the 10-year transportation plan, highlighting challenges and the group discussed how the DCR could collaboratively support transit electrification to significantly reduce emissions.
    • The cost of electrification is a barrier, corporations can help by writing a letter of support for DRT.
  • Agricultural GHG Emissions: The committee explored strategies to support local farmers in reducing their emissions footprint.
  • Durham Greener Homes and Buildings: Durham Region provided updates on the two initiatives aimed at making residential and commercial buildings more sustainable. Durham staff also highlighted a recent Progress Report to Regional Council on all Durham climate action plans, available here .

The meeting concluded with reflections on future areas of interest and updates on the planning for the Fall Forum. As the DCR continues its work, the emphasis remains on practical, collaborative approaches to drive meaningful climate action in the Durham region.

Stay tuned for more updates from the Durham Climate Roundtable as we strive towards a sustainable future.

For more details or questions, please email